A personal project to show where my style comes from and why. An agglomeration of symbols that I capture in drawings and that speak of my experiences, my origins and my passions. 
A fire that burns without consuming, but forever excludes regeneration.
Humans are fire, says Saint-Martin; their law, like that of all fires, is to dissolve (their wrap) and to join the source from which they are separated.
Drop that dies evaporating after leaving testimony.
That clean, that communicate, that nourish, that flow, that channel, that love, that forget, that laugh.
The eternal struggle between the soul and the body. Ashes that are lit, fires that are extinguished. 
Humans in an abyss. The thin line between love and oblivion. 
Thank you for appreciating my work.
Follow me on instagram for more drawings > @ulises.mendicutty 
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